The van Kinsbergens of Seattle

Web Page Updates




September 5, 2000

Review of Events of the summer

Audrey and I went on the inaugural cruise of the Norwegian Sky in May. The "Sky" spent the summer providing once a week Alaskan cruises from pier 66 right in front of us. You can see our Condo in the picture taken from the rear of the "Sky".


Bet you didn't figure that I would "clean up this nice!


We had our annual Seafair in August with the Blue Angels and a mighty fleet out on Elliott Bay. Included among others were the USS Constellation, a Kitty Hawk-class aircraft carrier and a Nuclear armed Trident submarine - the USS Alabama.



In August Jon's mother and stepfather visited for a week. Jon played chef and cooked up a wonderful steak dinner for us on our terrace.

Also in August, Audrey's sister Ruth visited for about 10 days. Here she is doing what she does best - sitting at a computer! Actually, make that four computers!

And of course, we continue to have wonderful sunsets.